August style Marzen/Oktoberfest

I've sent an email specifically to my Green Team about the tasty brews we need to provide at the August meeting, but I figure it wouldn't hurt to share the little bit of research I've done with everyone and see if anyone has some more beer to contribute. (and this way I should be covered if my first email happened to end up in my team members' spam folder)


BJCP 2008 Style Guide

German Beer Institute

My Summary: Basically, back in the good ole days they couldn't/wouldn't make beer during the summer months. Beer production stopped in March and the batches were stored in caves with ice blocks. To last through several months of storage, the beer was often strong or well-hopped. Before the brewing season opened up again—got hopping ;)—in October, they had to throw a party to clean out the barrels and get brewing again.

The style is characterized by a medium to full body, a malty flavor and a clean dry finish.

I was really surprised at the extensive list of examples in the Wikipedia link above. Check it out.

Feel free to reply if you've got something that you want to contribute (and if you can't make the meeting, I'd be happy to schedule a pick-up---within reason I know this is going out to the internet). That way we can try and get a broad sampling.

Happy Beer Hunting.
Go Green, Drink Beer. (Top Green, Beer Drinking Tips)
Prost! Laura

July Geek Night Changes

We had good feedback from several of you regarding our July Geek Night and we're going to move the date for the event. Why? Two main reasons:

  • Salida hosts a fantastic beer festival this weekend and many of our members are attending and can't make a homebrew session in Pagosa on Saturday
  • I'm probably going to attend the Salida festival so it would be difficult to host the event

I'll update everyone on the date but it will most likely be a week from today on Tuesday, July 12. Brewing an all-grain beer on a weeknight will require us to begin around 5 pm but it will be a good session and we should finish up around 9 or 10 pm.