Help support United Way of Archuleta County by brewing beer. Yeah!

I'm including a message from local homebrewer Bill Trimarco below. Bill is involved with the local United Way chapter based in Pagosa Springs and I chatted with him recently about their upcoming annual appreciation celebration in April. We'd like to get HOPS club members together to brew some beers that we can donate to the event and use to help support United Way.

We will send out more details soon and we should brew by early March to give the brews sufficient time to be ready by the event in early April. Post any suggestions or thoughts you have about this on this thread and we'll take everything into consideration. What better way to support charity than to make homebrew!




Sometime in early April (the date is yet to be determined), United Way of Archuleta County is holding an appreciation celebration to thank all who have so generously contributed to their funded programs. Since United Way uses most of the donations to fund beneficial community organizations, they are looking for ways to hold this party without spending donated money. I was planning on giving them a couple of cases of homebrew. How about a HOPS brew day with the results being given to United Way for their get together? This would also get us invited to the party to help drink our products. Let me know if anyone is interested. If you need more info, contact Lisa Jensen, our local United Way coordinator at 731-0484 or

Bill Trimarco