Bulk Grain Purchase - Update

Hi-ya HOPS,
Just an update on this bulk grain purchase, the Colorado Malting Company said we can mix and match any of the grains they carry to get the bulk discount. I have a pricing sheet and here are the grains listed on it:

Colo. Base Malt
Colo. Pilsner Malt
Colo. Malted White Wheat
Colo. Malted Red Wheat
Raw Colo. White Wheat
Raw Colo. Red Wheat
Raw 2-row Colo. Barley

 - Some seasonals available

On the website they said they are slammed, so I am not positive on availability of all of these. If you want to see a full list you can contact them by emailing maltbarn@coloradomaltingcompany.com to see what they have. Their website is http://www.coloradomaltingcompany.com/

I would like to get an order in before Thanksgiving if possible, so let me know what you are looking for ASAP.
Cheers ~


Remember, if you reply to this email you reply to everyone on the list. If you are interested in getting in on this bulk order, please reply to me directly at randy@speeddirect.com. Thanks!