HOPS Meeting Recap & Group Brew This Weekend!

Hello HOPS Peoples,
Thanks to all for attending the meeting last night - there were some mighty fine Porters! Just a few things to recap and give you a heads up on:
  • Mark your calendars - Next month (December for those lost in time) the HOPS meeting will be on December 18th. We will be sampling Winter Ales. The Red Color Group is up for that, but everyone is welcome to bring what you want. Also, there will be a Pink Elephant gift exchange. Bring a bomber of some fun for trade. If you don't feel like being involved with that side of the meeting that is fine, come anyway.
  •  Pagosa Brewing Co Stout Competition - Pagosa Brewing is hosting a competition for their February Stout Month. Homebrewers need to have their entries submitted by January 4th. Judging is on the 5th. The winner gets to brew their recipe with Pagosa Brewing on the big system! Plus there are other gift certificates and prizes that will be awarded, and you will get a BJCP feedback sheet for the beer you submit. The details on the competition will be emailed separately.
  • Group Stout Brew This Weekend - Sandy & Debra from the homebrew club have offered to host a brew party this Sunday to get some Stout in line for the afore mentioned competition. Bring your equipment and brew, or just show up and watch others brew - either way. Below are the details for the brew party this weekend:
(From Sandy):
My back yard and deck will work for as many brewers as we can get together this Sunday, Dec 2nd.  Everyone is welcome, brew or not.  
I'll have two grills working and a fire pit out back.
BYOB and meat and anything else that you want to bring.  There will be plenty of vegetables to round out any meal.  
In order to be finished before dark, we should begin around noon.  Anyone can come and set up earlier, I will start before noon, probably around 10:00.

Sandy Sandoval
251 Twincreek Circle

Go north (on N. Pagosa Blvd) from the brewery to Sweetwater in the bottom of Dutton Creek.  Turn left on Sweetwater, go to the end and you are looking across Twincreek Circle at our house on the left.

If you have any questions just send me an email at randy@speeddirect.com.

Cheers ~