"Houch" Brew Off on June 16th - Durango

Hi All,

Getting tired of all the BJCP sanctions, all the category guidelines and beer-snobbery that comes with brewing? Actually, I'm not either, but that doesn't mean we can't branch out and have some fun exploring different 'not-so-snobbish' forms of fermenting. And so I present to you the 'Houch Brew Off' brought to you by our friends from Worth Dreams. This is a new (actually, no, it's quite old) take at fermenting hooch. Basically, take some fermentable matter and turn it into alcohol, just like they do in prison! (You can even use a toilet to ferment in if you so desire.)

This event will take place at Durango Brew Supply on Saturday, June 16th. Please see the attached flier for more details (I hope I can figure out how to attach this thing). Ferment whatever you want as long as it falls within the guidelines in the attachment. There is no charge per entry and you can enter as many as you want. The guys at Durango Brew Supply will probably 'cellar' your entries for you if you can not get to the competition / hooch party the day of. This sounds like a lot of fun, though 'judging' this could be a risky undertaking... 8-{

Cheers, and happy hooch day ~

Remember, if you have any specific questions, please email me at randy@speeddirect.com or Al at the contact info listed in the attachment. Replies to this email go to everyone on the list!