For all the beer geeks in the club who want to bone up on their Porter factoids before the next meeting:What makes a Porter a Porter?First documented in the 1700s, Porters are thought to be made from a blend of beers and named for the river and street porters of Central London who favored this style. Porters are generally characterized by dark brown color, almost opaque but clear; a rich, malty aroma (chocolate and/or coffee, caramel, toffee, nutty, molasses and/or licorice complexity); and ranges from medium-light to medium-full body. Yum. Think: wrapped in a warm-fuzzy, dark-brown blanket in front of the fire while the coffee pot perks.2008 BJCP Style Guidelines And how do you brew a porter?See you on the 29th for a sampling of this roasty, toasty deliciousness.