Silver Dollar Liquor

Silver Dollar Liquor


New 6pks This Month


My favorite seasonals are starting to show up this month,  WINTER!!!!!


Great Divide     Hibernation Ale

                                    An English style old ale


Odell                Isolation Ale

                                    A traditional winter ale


Avery               Old Jubilation Ale

                                    Winter warmer


Ska                  Euphoria

                                    Pale ale


Keep checking back for winter seasonals from New Belgium, Deschutes, Sam Adams Samual Smith and more!


Durango           Hop Hugger



New Bombers This Month


Odell                Bourbon Barrel Stout

                                    Imperials stout aged in bourbon barrels (one of my top 5 favorite beers)


Great Divide     Fresh Hop

                                    Pale ale


6pk Of The Month (actually 4pk this month)


Bear Republic               Hop Rod Rye

                                                “alcohol Burnin Monster Ale”

                                                $7.09 this month

Bomber Of The Month


Ommegang       Hennepin

                                    True Belgian style saison          

                                    $7.49 this month