Welcome to the Pagosa HOPS Website

The Homebrewers of Pagosa Springs (HOPS) homebrew club has a new website and email list at www.pagosahops.org. Go directly to the site to view club and event information, check out the monthly HOPS Brewsletter or post a homebrewing topic for discussion.

You can also easily and securely send emails to other club members using our private email address of pagosahops@posterous.com. All email messages sent to this address will go to the inbox of all club members and allow us to communicate quickly and easily. Better yet, every email message you send gets posted on our own website at http://pagosahops.org/. Pretty sweet, eh!

Enjoy the new site and send me any feedback you'd like to offer. You don't need to create an account with our site host, Posterous, to participate in discussions. You can just respond to email messages directly and everything will work out hunky dory. If you do want to manage your communication preferences, though, go to www.pagosahops.org and click Login in the upper-right corner of the page. You can then sign up with a Posterous account or even use your Facebook account for posting to our website directly and for managing your communication preferences.

Maybe best of all, pagosahops.org works with your mobile devices. Check out more info at http://help.posterous.com/tag/mobile.

