Photos from the 1st Annual HOPS Homebrew Hoedown

Thanks to everyone for their tasty libations. We all enjoyed the beautiful afternoon and the friendly company (and of course the beer and mead). The generous donations from local breweries brought a few smiles, too. Check out some of the photos. Already looking forward to next time, but until then, " I should brew a fresh bucket of spruce beer to go with the roast venison," Claire Fraser, Drums of Autumn.


Bill, no worries about missing the event and we look forward to getting together with the Mesa Verde Mashers soon. There’s a lot going on in the summer and it’s amazing we had as many attendees as we did.



It's a Wrap! A Good Time was had by All at the 1st Annual HOPS Homebrew Hoedown

We had a great homebrew gathering with over 35 people this weekend at the Pagosa Brewing Co. in beautiful Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Beer lovers from Bloomfield and Aztec, NM, Durango, Del Norte and of course Pagosa (and who knows where else!) joined together to celebrate zymurgy and its wonderful fruits. Best of all, the weather cooperated and we enjoyed a nice 80-degree day with light winds and wonderful company. Wow!

We will post some pictures of the event soon and I'm going to highlight a few points in the meantime. A number of very generous homebrewers and craft brewers brought tasty beverages to share and we had seven taps beers with more than 30 different bottles available. We even had the privilege to sample some simply delectable meads from an expert and legendary meadmaker here in Pagosa Springs.

Our door prizes included great gifts from local breweries including Ska, Steamworks, San Luis Valley Brewing and Three Barrel Brewing. Of course, Tony Simmons and the crew at Pagosa Brewing hosted our event and did a wonderful job serving us great food. Best of all, Tony and John Bricker, head brewer and owner of Three Barrel Brewing Co. in Del Norte, CO (try the Hop Trash if you can...awesome!), joined us to sample our homebrews and to offer advice and even share some of their rare creations. Woohoo!

Thanks again to everyone who helped make this event a roaring success and we look forward to getting together again soon. The homebrewing community in the Four Corners is alive and well and growing. Keep up the good work and happy fermenting!


I wish to send my personal apology to HOPS members.  You have attended the other Homebrew rallies and have always had representation at all the events.

Unfortunately the Mesa Verde Mashers will not be represented at the Homebrew Hoe-down. 

Please accept my personal apology and I am hoping to get to a HOPS meeting or event in the near future.

Thanks for your understanding.

Bill Downs
Mesa Verde Mashers

Welcome to the Pagosa HOPS Website

The Homebrewers of Pagosa Springs (HOPS) homebrew club has a new website and email list at Go directly to the site to view club and event information, check out the monthly HOPS Brewsletter or post a homebrewing topic for discussion.

You can also easily and securely send emails to other club members using our private email address of All email messages sent to this address will go to the inbox of all club members and allow us to communicate quickly and easily. Better yet, every email message you send gets posted on our own website at Pretty sweet, eh!

Enjoy the new site and send me any feedback you'd like to offer. You don't need to create an account with our site host, Posterous, to participate in discussions. You can just respond to email messages directly and everything will work out hunky dory. If you do want to manage your communication preferences, though, go to and click Login in the upper-right corner of the page. You can then sign up with a Posterous account or even use your Facebook account for posting to our website directly and for managing your communication preferences.

Maybe best of all, works with your mobile devices. Check out more info at

