November style Porter

For all the beer geeks in the club who want to bone up on their Porter factoids before the next meeting:

What makes a Porter a Porter?

First documented in the 1700s, Porters are thought to be made from a blend of beers and named for the river and street porters of Central London who favored this style. Porters are generally characterized by dark brown color, almost opaque but clear; a rich, malty aroma (chocolate and/or coffee, caramel, toffee, nutty, molasses and/or licorice complexity); and ranges from medium-light to medium-full body.

Yum. Think: wrapped in a warm-fuzzy, dark-brown blanket in front of the fire while the coffee pot perks.

2008 BJCP Style Guidelines

And how do you brew a porter?

See you on the 29th for a sampling of this roasty, toasty deliciousness.

HOPS Brewsletter - November 2011

HOPS – Homebrewers Of Pagosa Springs


So Eleanor and I recently got back from a road trip to Glacier National Park, which was beautiful by the way. On the trip, we managed to bag 14 new breweries. Breweries are popping up all over the place and MT is no exception – and good ones too! But with all the new breweries on the scene you have to get good at your treasure hunting skills. These things aren’t always easy to find, you know. Sometimes you find yourself in sketchy situations like almost getting hit by a train or a front end loader (both of which occurred on separate occasions on this trip). Or what if you find yourself in one of those dimly lit alleyways? Ah alleys – the dirty underwear of any city, and the preferred locale of select authentic Asian Gastro-Bars, Night Clubs, overflowing dumpsters and the potentially unsavory like me. Some alleyways even house an occasional micro or nano brewery. Reminds me of the old days searching for Mogollon Brewing Co in Flagstaff, AZ on a cold, snowy night walking the alleys. Eleanor says something along the lines of “Wait, here’s a short cut.” Yeah, I know how that can end up. Those NAU kids frighten me…

In the ‘cleaner’ cities I like alleys. Aside from the occasional homie, big pimpin’ his psycho crazy gumby gold necklaces, cane and feathered hat, you can infrequently meet other culinary adventurers willing to brave the not-so beaten path on the back side of shined-up business facades. Don’t get me wrong, some of these adventures lead you to a place with food resembling whatever you just passed by and smelled in that overflowing dumpster, leaving you hours later, desperate, in your hotel room in a groaning, farting, semi-conscious heap. But that’s rarely the case and I’m willing to take my chances. How far are you willing to go to find that next kick ass pub or brewery? It may be lurking down that dark alley that you and your sweetie were peering down, right before you declared with clinched teeth and a furrowed brow: “Lovey! Quickly, cross the street – that alley contains more adventure than we can endure!” Or something lame like that…


Cheers, and happy fermenting ~


Randini the Beer Spammer


Tech Tip of the Day: Brewford Dunkeldink asked about why he was getting so much astringency in his all grain batches of beer. Astringency is kind of a drying, puckering or tart sensation that is different than bitterness and hop flavor. Well Brewford, the astringency of your all-grain beers may be due to tannin extraction from the grain husks as the pH increases during sparging. If the pH of your water is a bit high (like it is around Pagosa) even if you adjust your pH for the mash, once you start sparging the pH will increase and possibly start stripping the tannins unless your sparge water is also adjusted. I would suggest adjusting the pH of your sparge water also to about 5.5 or so with phosphoric acid or another low-flavored acid.


Quote of the Day:  Don’t judge a mash by its color!  - Eleanor





HOPS Meetings:

  • HOPS – Old Business:
    • Is there every any business going on? Rarely…


  • HOPS – New Business:
    • Next Meeting: This coming Tuesday, the 29th is the next HOPS meeting, Pagosa Brewing Co at 6:00 PM. We are switching things up a bit this time around.
    • Style of the Month: Porters – a great style for cold nights.
    • FFO (First Friday Out) – This has been changed to Friday nights for the winter season. The first Friday of December (the 2nd) we will meet at Plaza Grill at 6:00.
    • Discussion: Some ideas we want to go over include the following:

A)      Lots of Yeast! Joseph Read with Pagosa Brewing Co gave HOPS a $212.00 gift certificate for White Labs liquid yeast. The problem is that it is only good for one (1) 7 barrel pitch. That’s enough for approx 47 five gallon brews. Sooo, that’s alodda yeast, man! Let’s talk about what to do with this, but basically it means free yeast for the entire HOPS club, and beyond! Put your brew hats on…

B)      Upcoming events listed below, like a group brew day? Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywine Festival in January? Homebrew competitions? Yeah, we’ll cover it all.





  • Due to nasty weather we cancelled the Learn To Brew day on Nov. 5th. Sounds like a good reason to reschedule?






  • Tuesday, November 29th – HOPS Meeting: This coming Tuesday is the HOPS Meeting (normally the fourth Tuesday of the month, but not this month). We changed from Monday to Tuesday to help Pagosa Brewing and their schedule. We will meet at Pagosa Brewing Company at 6:00 PM. This month we will be going over some of the upcoming events and agenda items above, along with the Style of the Month. This time is the Porter. Perfecto for cold nights I say.


  • December 2nd - First Friday Out – The first Friday of the month we like to drink beer. Ok, we like to drink beer more often than that, but we usually get together somewhere around town, and this time around we will meet the Plaza Grill. See you there 6:00!




  • Gluten Free HomebrewingI have had some requests on information about gluten free homebrewing. I have some information about the details on such if you are interested in locating ingredients, etc. I will bring it to the HOPS meeting on Tuesday, or email me at for more info (rather than replying to this email and spamming the entire universe). That’s my job! :-D


  • New Homebrew Club in D-Town: There is a new club in Durango called the Animas Alers. Now that’s progress – from no club and no homebrew supply shop, to having a homebrew club and a homebrew supply shop! Nice work Durangoite-ian-ers. (?) I believe they meet the third Wednesday of the month at Ska Brewing at 6:00, but I need to verify this. If you want more info, email me directly at Here is a nice little article about them in the Durango Herald:


  • Local Beerlover Networking Website: Check out for a social beer lover’s networking site. It works kinda like Facebook, only without all the loser teenagers counting how many totally irrelevant “friends” they can amass proving how completely lame they are. This site is actually cool! (Yes, a big fan of Facepuke here…) Joseph from Pagosa Brewing started this one up and it has some great photos of HOPS junk, plus it is free to join! Sign in and rock out with your beer out.



Pagosa Brewing Company News / Events:


·         Coming Right Up - The debut of Single Hop Ale.  Brewed as a strong Pale Ale with a different "single" variety of hop each time.  This Fall, we're using a special hop blend called, "Falconer's Flight" created by our friends at Hop Union.  It's got unique Northwest-Style grapefruity aromas & flavors.  Special "Citrus Food Pairings" are in the works.


·         Thanksgiving will mark the beginning of our, "Imperial Series."  We'll featuring new Imperial beers both Housemade & Special Guest.  In-House beers includes:  Imperial Red, Imperial IPA, Imperial Stout & Imperial Black IPA!  Guests beers include:  Dry Doc Imperial IPA, Mountain Sun Nihilist Imperial Stout & more to come.  Special "Imperial Food Pairings" are in the works.


·         December:
The long-awaited return of our
 Wassail Ale.  This year's version is a Brown Porter aged in a Frangelico barrel and has an amazing aromas and flavors of hazelnut and vanilla.  Special "Solstice Food Pairings" are in the works too.

And, of course, more Imperial Beers!  

FYI - By the end of December, we may perhaps have our Winter Warmer and/or a Pale Mild as well as the seasonal return of Eagle ESB.  Looks for classic "English Pub-Style Food Pairings"!



Liquor Stories:


      Our tribute to local liquor stores that like beer, and not just crap beer, I mean Real Beer! Not all of them are cool enough to contribute to this kick a$$ Brewsletter, so be sure to treat the ones that do with some extra business.


Silver Dollar Liquors:


New 6pks This Month


Dixie                            Blackened Voodoo



Sierra Nevada              Celebration Ale

                                    -Fresh Hop Ale


Left Hand                     Milk Stout Nitro

                                    -infused with nitrogen, no nitrogen canister like Guiness


Odells                          Mountain Standard

                                    -Double Black India Pale Ale, now in 4pks this year


New Bombers This Month


Port Brewing                Santa’s Little Helper

                                    -Imperial Stout, could only get one case so it may go fast.


New Belgium                Prickly Passion            

                                    -Saison brewed with prickly pear and passion fruit


Van Steenberge            Witches Brew

                                    -Belgium style golden ale



6pk  and Bomber of the month


Avery                           Elle’s Brown Ale

                                    -American Brown Ale              

                                    -Beer Advocate rates it a B+

-medium body, sweet notes, a very nice toast flavor, malty flavor too, dry finish, and some hop aftertaste


Samuel Smith’s Nut Brown Ale

                                    -English Brown Ale

                                    -Beer Advocates rates it a A-

                                    -Creamy malt, brown sugar and sweetness. Can't complain.




Plaza Liquors:


A good selection going on down there too, but I didn’t get the latest come press time. Yeah, like I have a press… more like I’m the one being pressed. Pressed for more beer!







  • Big Beers, Belgians & Barlywine Festival, Vail Jan 5-7: This is the event for you if you are into imperial beer, Belgians, barley wines and anything else that gets the job done in a big fat hurry. I have never been to this event but have always wanted too. It’s not cheap but you could cut the cost if several people got together on hotels, etc. Anyone in? There is sooo much to do, including beer / food pairings, seminars, a homebrew competition (anyone interested?) and so much more. Lets kick this one around at the meeting.

Video on the goods:





  • Free Bottles - Need bottles? We have LOTS of extra around these parts. Let me know if you need any beer or wine bottles. For you, for free.


  • WANTED – Mountain Bike - Randini is looking for a good mountain bike for the wife. I figured the Classified section is stagnating, so we might as well put other stuff in here too!


  • FOUND – Fridge for Kegerator – If a HOPS member is interested in building a kegerator I found one that would be great for the job. Email me for more info – Again, don’t reply to this email or you will send it to every beer drinking fool on the planet. Really.


Anybody else have anything you want to list? Beer related or not, just lemme know and I will circulate your stuff around the universe. Well, my universe…




UNSUBSCRIBE – Right now I am sucking on a fresh brewed mug of Honey Vanilla Brown ale. If I see anyone unsubscribe, I may blow this frothy goodness out my nose. And that, my friend, would be alcohol abuse! Don’t do it man!


WHOA there peoples - this is not a forum. Unless you have beer related topics please refrain from posting or forwarding emails to this address. This email address is for HOPS (Homebrewers Of Pagosa Springs) members only. When you send an email to this address, or reply to an email from this address, it goes to the ENTIRE group on the mailing list - currently over 120 people. Please respect this!

Cheers ~ I need a beer...

Learn To Brew Day - Change Of Plans

Sorry for the late notice, but due to the snow and forcasted wind gusts up to 40mph, the Learn To Brew Day has been cancelled. There may be some people brewing, but it will be at their houses. If you get this notice and are interested in being involved with a brew, give me a call at 970-946-7839 and I will let you know what's going on where.


Bulk Grain Purchase - Update

Hi-ya HOPS,
Just an update on this bulk grain purchase, the Colorado Malting Company said we can mix and match any of the grains they carry to get the bulk discount. I have a pricing sheet and here are the grains listed on it:

Colo. Base Malt
Colo. Pilsner Malt
Colo. Malted White Wheat
Colo. Malted Red Wheat
Raw Colo. White Wheat
Raw Colo. Red Wheat
Raw 2-row Colo. Barley

 - Some seasonals available

On the website they said they are slammed, so I am not positive on availability of all of these. If you want to see a full list you can contact them by emailing to see what they have. Their website is

I would like to get an order in before Thanksgiving if possible, so let me know what you are looking for ASAP.
Cheers ~


Remember, if you reply to this email you reply to everyone on the list. If you are interested in getting in on this bulk order, please reply to me directly at Thanks! 

HOPS - Upcoming Events and Announcements

Ok, so yeah whatever. Regarding the new HOPS meeting days, the 29th is technically the 5th Tuesday of this month. So I can't count - sue me! Better yet, beer me! We'll stick with the 29th for this month because of Thanksgiving, then we'll go back to the 4th Tuesday hereafter.

Details, details...

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Randy Schnose <> wrote:

HOPS – Homebrewers Of Pagosa Springs


Greetings all,

There are some events and announcements I wanted to pass along:


  • This Coming Thursday, November 3rd - FTO (First Thursday Out): Come join us a Squirrel’s this Thursday to hang out and enjoy a beer together. They have Modus on tap. Need I say more? We’ll meet there at 6:00 pm. No meeting, just beerz!


  • This Coming Saturday, November 5th – Teach a Friend To Homebrew Day: Pagosa Brewing Co has offered to host this year’s “Learn To Brew Day”. If you have a brew system, we would love to have you bring it and come brew with us! We will start setting up around 10:30 am and start brewing around 11:00. Come and join us weather you plan to brew or just hang out. Hope to see you Saturday!


  • HOPS Meeting Dates Changed! – Please note that the HOPS meetings will no longer be on the fourth Monday of the month. Instead we will be having the HOPS meetings on the fourth TUESDAY of the month from now on. This is to help out Pagosa Brewing Co with their scheduling. The next HOPS meeting will be Tuesday, November 29th. There will be another reminder about this before the next meeting.


  • Bulk Grain Buy Opportunity – We have several people interested in a bulk grain buy from Colorado Malting Co in Alamosa. If we can get 10 X 50lb bags ordered we can get discounted pricing ($0.85 / lb, so $42.50 per bag). I think we have 4 or 5 bags on the list right now. Please email me directly at if you are interested in jumping on board. Let me know how many 50 lb bags of 2-Row base malt you want and I will add you to the list. Please do NOT reply to this email as it will go to the entire HOPS list and then you will be accused of spamming, and I don’t want any competition on that… J



Cheers ~ 


Randini the Beer Spammer


PS - Remember that if you reply to this email it gets sent to everyone on the mailing list.

HOPS - Upcoming Events and Announcements

HOPS – Homebrewers Of Pagosa Springs


Greetings all,

There are some events and announcements I wanted to pass along:


  • This Coming Thursday, November 3rd - FTO (First Thursday Out): Come join us a Squirrel’s this Thursday to hang out and enjoy a beer together. They have Modus on tap. Need I say more? We’ll meet there at 6:00 pm. No meeting, just beerz!


  • This Coming Saturday, November 5th – Teach a Friend To Homebrew Day: Pagosa Brewing Co has offered to host this year’s “Learn To Brew Day”. If you have a brew system, we would love to have you bring it and come brew with us! We will start setting up around 10:30 am and start brewing around 11:00. Come and join us weather you plan to brew or just hang out. Hope to see you Saturday!


  • HOPS Meeting Dates Changed! – Please note that the HOPS meetings will no longer be on the fourth Monday of the month. Instead we will be having the HOPS meetings on the fourth TUESDAY of the month from now on. This is to help out Pagosa Brewing Co with their scheduling. The next HOPS meeting will be Tuesday, November 29th. There will be another reminder about this before the next meeting.


  • Bulk Grain Buy Opportunity – We have several people interested in a bulk grain buy from Colorado Malting Co in Alamosa. If we can get 10 X 50lb bags ordered we can get discounted pricing ($0.85 / lb, so $42.50 per bag). I think we have 4 or 5 bags on the list right now. Please email me directly at if you are interested in jumping on board. Let me know how many 50 lb bags of 2-Row base malt you want and I will add you to the list. Please do NOT reply to this email as it will go to the entire HOPS list and then you will be accused of spamming, and I don’t want any competition on that… J



Cheers ~ 


Randini the Beer Spammer


PS - Remember that if you reply to this email it gets sent to everyone on the mailing list.